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Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

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The school was opened on July 27th, 1910, by Lady Eveline Milton who consented to the school bearing her name. At the opening there was a staff of 8 – the headmistress, Miss Grace Milne Langdon, Miss McArthur, Miss Livingstone, Miss M.A. Brown, Miss Bolan, Miss Stockdale, Miss Bishop and Mrs. Lewis. In 1970 the staff was 72.

At first 207 pupils were enrolled, in 1970 there were over 1,000 pupils. School fees in 1918 were about £2.15.0 a term and in 1918 there were four terms.

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The website was initially prepared to co-incide with the 100 year anniversary in 2010, in association with both Milton Junior and Milton Senior. Updates continue